*日本語は英語の下をご覧ください* Hello all, I'm NAO Adagio, the chief of the UBUME game! Our event, UBUME x ORIGAMI, ended on September 10th, after...

UBUME After Party!
*日本語は英語の下をご覧ください* Dear all the participants who enjoyed UBUME x ORIGAMI! Thank you all for coming and enjoying the event a lot. We're...
*日本語は英語の下をご覧ください* Helloooooo dear all! How have you been doing? Are you enjoying the game? How is your progress of the UBUME game? ...
*UBUME Test Play Feedback*
Hello, good evening, or good morning! I'm Kyrie, a background staff member of UBUME. So! At last the UBUME opens tomorrow yaaaaay!!! ...
UBUME テストプレイの感想★
皆さんこんにちは、こんばんは、おはようございます!裏方担当のキリエです。 さて!UBUMEがいよいよ明日から開始しますね・・・! 皆さん心の準備はいいですかっ? 今日はテストプレイの感想をお届けしますっ。 が!その前に!...

Staff Interview 06
*日本語は英語の下をご覧ください* "Hello, good evening or good morning! I'm Kyrie, a background staff member of UBUME. Sorry for the delayed opening of...

Staff Interview 05
*日本語は英語の下をご覧ください* Hello, good evening or good morning! I'm Kyrie, a background staff member of UBUME. ORIGAMI finally opened the other...

Staff Interview 04
*日本語は英語の下をご覧ください* Hello, good evening or good morning! I'm Kyrie, a background staff member of UBUME. Well, well, well! At last we have...

Staff Interview 03
*日本語は英語の下をご覧ください* Hello, good evening or good morning! I'm Kyrie, a background staff member of UBUME. The temperature is very unstable...

Staff Interview 02
*日本語は英語の下をご覧ください* Hello, good evening or good morning! I'm Kyrie, a background staff member of UBUME. So, July started today. The...